Technology Gurus at your disposal to make your IT initiatives successful at any stage of your journey

guru squad

We have a completely different take on the Human capital challenges. We have come up with unique way of sharing our recourses with proven industry experience and expertise for enterprises to succeed in their technology goals with best cost benefit structures.

Pain Areas

Talent shortages

Professional networking site LinkedIn reports 87% of people are open to new job opportunities. It’s up to recruiters to proactively find the right fit for potential employees.

High competition

Professional networking site LinkedIn reports 87% of people are open to new job opportunities. It’s up to recruiters to proactively find the right fit for potential employees.

Slow hiring processes

  • The candidate may not feel valued and becomes disinterested.

  • The candidate is approached by a competitor and wants to work for them instead.

  • The candidate is interviewing with multiple companies and takes an earlier offer.

Unrealistic employer expectations

Employers that want top talent need to have realistic expectations about how to achieve that. Here are some things that can hurt hiring efforts:

  • Low-ball salary offers

  • Refusal to cover moving costs for an out-of-state candidate you want to hire

  • No benefits like medical and dental coverage

  • No 401k plan

  • No workplace flexibility, like remote work options, even periodically

  • No employee development opportunities or continuing education reimbursement

Increased transparency

This is a challenge for companies looking for candidates. Businesses must work to make involuntary turnover as smooth of a process as possible. Retention must be a priority. Engaging employees must be an integral part of business strategy to improve a company’s reputation and attract the best talent.

Our Answer

Reskill program

  • Dynamic nature of jobs requires employees to reinvent themselves constantly to contribute to the success of the enterprise.

  • Unleash your workforce potential through our proven training, coaching and mentoring program. Our program will empower and certify your resources to contribute your organization goals in the technology areas.

Borrow our industry specific technology experts:

We believe in partnerships and we work with business to borrow our resources to engage at any level. The charge as you go model will help you get access to the top talent available anytime to engage at any time of the project rather than hiring a consultant fulltime.

NextBig VirtualTeams (virtually extend your team):

Hire our Virtual team to immediately accelerate your modernization journey and accomplish your goals.

Long term engagements (Traditional approach):

Hire our experts to help, support and partner with you for your modernization initiatives.

Let’s build the
future together

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